1+1=1 Gallery > Elizabeth Hughes Bass

Tag: Elizabeth Hughes Bass

Forest Stream Prairie Opening Night

FOREST STREAM PRAIRIE 2016: featuring new work by Dan McArdle & Maureen Shaughnessy

Mounting an exhibit takes us a couple of days. We take down the previous exhibit and pack up pieces that have sold. Unsold pieces go into our art storage downstairs. Then we patch holes in the walls, re-paint walls and pedestals and clean up. Next comes arranging the new artwork, hanging it, setting out pedestals and sculptures … then lighting, labels, window decor and many other tasks. Whew!

Pre-Opening Quiet: When we are done hanging and lighting the show, I like to take photos of the whole exhibit before the crowd comes. It’s quiet and I’m always really pleased with the new art and new arrangement.

Opening night was a blast! An appreciative crowd. Excellent gallery talks by the artists and a fabulous reception. Great way to spend a Friday evening in downtown Helena.

We are always so grateful for all the folks who attend the openings, listen to the talks and celebrate the artists with us on opening night. We also love seeing you any day we’re open. Sometimes a quiet afternoon at the gallery is the perfect time to really look deeply at the exhibits.  Thank you for your support!

Our Back Gallery features artworks by artists we represent, including:

Peter Shaughnessy, Jean Albus, Trudy Skari, Patty Ceglio, Nancy Goughnour, Mary Beth Shaughnessy, Maureen Cole, Sarah Magar, Sam Briegel, Gregg Edelen, Elizabeth Hughes Bass, Andres Cross Guns, Tina Albro, John Andrew and Tim J. Carney.

Catching some time with friends in the studio behind the gallery